Posted in About Me, Blog, Family, Self Help

I love my life, do you?

Hey ya’ll! I know, I know! Why has it taken me so long to write? Well, let me tell you! Sit on down, I’ve got some Tea to spill! Where should I begin?

Life. I am in love with my life. If you follow along with my blog, you will hear me brag often about my husband. But I love the ups, the downs, my husband, my friends, and my family. I am so full of Joy! Life can be so funny, so demanding. One day passes you by, then two, then the next thing you know, a whole week has gone by. Life is what we make of it. I believe that with all my heart. If we constantly focus on what we want, or what could be, instead of what is, what we have, we will be forever stressing, worrying, striving for that happiness, that truthfully may never come. But to have Joy? There is a difference. Happiness is an emotion, from an event in our lives, whether good or bad. Joy is inner peace, that no matter the circumstance, it never waivers.


I thank God every day for my husband. I am not bragging about him, but yes I am! God has truly blessed me. A couple of days ago, we got a letter from his job, and July 1st will be his last day of work, yet again. They are going out of business. He has been laid off three times in the last six years. Twice within the last 6 months. Just frustrating!


Let me tell you about hubby. My husband is a man of integrity, honesty, hard-working, and dedication to whatever he puts his mind to, including his family, and God. He loves to work, and never calls in, ever. He has had an award for the last 10 years for perfect attendance, at all of his jobs. Babe worked at the McWane Cast Iron and Steel plant 25 years, up until 2010. They went out of business due to the Economy. Now while unemployed for almost 9 months, he never gave up. I worked, and he was the best hubby ever. My husband did what all women dream of. He cooked, kept the house spotless, and even did laundry! Imagine that. The entire nine months of unemployment, it did not affect his happiness at all. He never gave up hope. We lost our home, got behind in bills, credit went down the drain. Not one time did he complain. He kept paying his tithes out of his little unemployment check, (which was not near what we were bringing in). He never became angry or upset at our situation, always full of joy.

He did eventually get work, underground to the Coal Mines. He did not complain, never called in, and was considered a very productive employee. As a matter of fact, life became so good, he told me to quit work, due to my health, and focus on getting well. “Just take care of you and the house. I got the rest!” I told you he was a good husband, didn’t I? Even though my husband made good money, really good, he never let it go to his head. We did not buy the fancy cars, a big home. We prepared ourselves for that day when…..


Now, six years later, the mines went out of business. Some Obama thing about cleaner coal, or something. That’s another story. Anyways, another 4 months without work. This time, we are both unemployed. But he never wavered. He found another job, at a significant pay cut mind you. He worked for three months, and then we get this letter. Really!? Ugghh!

Life can be so mean at times. There are ups and downs. Life can take you through some things, that would cause a normal person to have a stroke or become ill if they let it. My husband and I, we live a life of simplicity. At the same time, making sure we are productive. We do like the nice things, but what we don’t want are “things”.  Our home is small, but it is comfortable. It is a nice home, just for us. Our cars are paid for, no notes. Those things are material. They are just not at the top of our list right now. I, we, would rather live a life of Joy. A life with stability in knowing, whatever we go through, he will be there. We will go through it together, no matter what!

My husband is a giving person. Never meets a stranger. He will give the shirt off his back if you are cold. Always blessing others. Sometimes, he actually gets on my nerves with the giving. Hubby is a man of God, who knows, the more we bless others, God will in return bless us. I am happy with what we have, where we are, and where life is taking us. I am happy with the life we have built together as a family. If more comes my way, I am waiting with open arms. Until then, I am full of Joy!


So I just want to encourage you today. I want to slip a little Tea into your life. If life gets you down, just hold on. Don’t waste one minute! Keep pushing, and never look back to what could be. Life may take you places where it seems you can never recover. Do not let go of that dream, that hope. A better day will come. Some storms are worse than others. Whether big or small, eventually, the sun has to come out. The sun always shines brighter, after the storm. The clouds clear, and the sky is crystal blue again. Just keep pushing and don’t give up!

Now let’s fill that glass! Until next time, stay blessed, stay southern sweet. I’ll have the tea waiting.

Copyright © 2016 

Posted in About Me, About Me, Blog, Family, Self Help

Family isn’t always Family


Why hey ya’ll! How’s it goin? I am blessed and cool under this shade tree with my Tea! I just love those cool days when I can sit under the tree, relaxing, with not a care in the world. Just me, the shade, and my tea. Not for long though. I can always count on my two little ones, my dogs, of course, to interrupt me. They come running, jump up on the hammock, all excited, and then just plop right there and go off to a nap. Why do I have to move to make you comfortable? They are the epitome of family.


You know?! The one who always gives out a great big hug just when you need it. Or the cousin who makes you laugh at nothing funny at all. Some of us have that Aunt that always wants her way or no way. Or that Uncle that is always drunk at the family holiday, asking for money from the kids. I have a brother like that, well used to. Now he’s going to be upset with me writing this, but it’s ok. I love my family with all my heart. But sometimes you have to just get away. Or move away in my case! I just left, moved to Alabama, because I could not take the selfishness and in-consideration for others any longer.

Please allow me to be specific. At the time, 14 years ago, my brother was an Alcoholic. I say was, because he is no longer, and has been sober for quite some time. It took him years to get himself together, to get support from those willing to endure his attitudes, his countless disappearing acts, his anger. But he did it, and I am so proud of him.

That brings me to the title of this blog. Family isn’t always family. If it was not for my brother’s best friend, and in-laws, (ie; sister and brother-in-law), I am not sure where he would be. I had been through enough with my abusive ex-husband for the last ten years. I did not want to endure another ten. I was trying to get myself together. My life was a mess, my self-confidence, my attitude towards men, everything. So when I had enough of family, I packed up and left.


We are still in contact. Just spoke to him two days ago as a matter of fact. We have mended old wounds, and are rather close I would think. We still have our differences, but nothing will ever break us apart completely except for the big D.  But now the roles have changed. No, I do not have an addiction. Well, maybe chocolate. What I mean is that I am now down here in Alabama, with no family, except my husband’s side. I love them all, but there is nothing like your own. I miss my family dearly. However, I do not miss them enough to leave Alabama. No, I will stay right here. But the circle of friends that I have is awesome! I have made myself a family through non-family. We are closer than most of my real family. Like I said, family is not always family.

I love the South. There is nothing that would or could pull me from here. For a long time, I was a transient of sorts. I could not sit still. Just could not find my place in this big ‘ol world. But now, I have, and I am in love with my life. I am in love with a great husband, wonderful children, and five awesome grandsons, and one precious granddaughter. All of which, are not my blood, but my husband’s children. I could never birth my own. I love them like they were my own, and I believe they love me! Holidays are the biggest ordeal with us. So, why would I leave? It is ok to get homesick once in a while, but that’s it. After a point, reality has to set in and get back to our lives, whatever that may be. 

Speaking of which, I have to get up and go cook dinner. We cook every night in the south. Whether big or small, dinner is always on the table by sundown. And ya have to have a Desert! It’s a Southern thing I think.

So, in the meantime, think about the important people in your lives. Tell them often how important they are to you. Blood or not, family is family. It is rare that we find others we can rely on in these days and times. Someone to listen, without judgment, and be there to pick us up, without question. Make sure your “Family” knows just how much they mean to you. Do not let too much time slip away, or it may end up being too late.

Until next time, stay blessed, stay southern sweet, and I will have your tea waiting.


Copyright © 2016

Posted in About Me, Blog, Religion

I can’t sit still!


Hey! How’s it going? Me? It’s been a great day! A longer week. Come on in, let me get you a glass of Tea.

So, at my Church, I am a doorkeeper, a Deaconess, a videographer, I sing in the Choir, once a month we drive the Church van, and it all fell on the same week, this week. I am exhausted! That is not to mention the other million things I have going on in my life! Today was our Community Day on the grass at my church, Now Faith Church International, located in Pleasant Grove Alabama. We had an awesome time!

At the picnic today we had the music blasting, dancing on the lawn, children laughing and playing in the moonwalk, a Sno Cone machine, food smelling good. The grill was going with hot dogs and hamburgers for everyone in the community at no charge. The elders were in the shade under the tree, eating bee bops. Takes me back to my childhood. What is a bee-bop? It is a frozen kool-aid in a small Styrofoam cup. We freeze them, then, once frozen, you eat them on a hot day under a shade tree. Oh! but you have to pull the frozen delish out of the cup, n turn it upside down! They are so sweet and delicious. A southern favorite on a hot summer day! It is well-known among the neighborhood “candy lady”.


Oh yea, we dance, to gospel music. Some Christians know how to have fun and be saved. I also love to sing. Our choir is amazing. Believe it or not, we started out fourteen years ago with three members in the choir. Now we call it the “Now Faith Mass” choir because we have almost 25 people singing with us. I am not the best singer, but our Minister of Praise, he
can teach a duck to sing hunny!
So, as I stated above, I am also a doorkeeper. Yep, when anyone walks through that door, you will see my face to greet you with a great big “Hey, how are you?” and a hug. I love people, so I asked specifically to be on the door. I want everyone to feel welcome when they come. I mean, who wants to see a sour puss when they visit a new church? Not me! I wouldn’t be back. I hate to see ugly faces. When I say ugly, I mean frowns and complaining. Turn that frown upside down. Tomorrow I have to also ride with hubby, to pick up members on the church van. It’s our week to drive. I will be so glad when this week is over! I can finally get some rest, maybe.


Oh, wait, I have to visit my cousin in the hospital, she had a stroke. I have to finish the videos I recorded of the Revival for the church tape ministry, grocery shopping, laundry, type the minutes from our Motorcycle Ministry monthly meeting. Jeesh, I may get some rest next month. Yea, the end of May sounds good. But then again, that is Memorial weekend. As you can see, as I have mentioned before, in previous posts, I have a lot on my plate, as we say in the south. I can never sit still. I would probably be bored if I sat too long anyways.

I am not sure when I will get some good, all-night rest. Am I the only one who moves like this? Do you have a tendency to always be moving?

Comment below, let me know your thoughts on the subject. I will pause for now. But please stay tuned to see where this busy Southern life takes me! Come along for the ride, and keep your glass full. Until the next time we chat, stay blessed, stay southern sweet! I’ve got the tea waiting.


Copyright © 2016

Where is the Village of Old Days?

Hey ya’ll! Come on in! What’s been up with you since the last time we spoke? Me? I have just been thinking about my childhood. Do you remember when we were young, everyone was in church on Sunday morning, Wednesday Bible study, Friday youth group? We did not have a chance to get into any trouble. My Mother kept me busy with homework and church. Especially in the South! In the South, it’s like a golden rule that Sundays you have your butt in church, and we have fried chicken for dinner after.  Society was laid back, in slow motion back then. It was cool to get our first paper route at the age of ten, or lay in the grass in a field, and look at the clouds, naming shapes out of them.


Today, however, we are a diverse generation of chaos and instant pleasure. Our youth are lost. Mainly because the parents raising them are children themselves, however, the grandparents are not assisting either. Back in the day, it took a whole neighborhood to raise our youth. If I got a spanking, yes with a belt, at someone else home, I got another when I got home, for embarrassing my parents! I mean, I have had plenty of spankings, and I am still alive and well. I knew better than to cut up on my parents. I would rather be teased by my peers than face my mother. By no means, do I agree with Child abuse. Let’s just be clear. But I do feel a small tap on the bottom every now and again just to remind them who the parent is, never hurt anyone.

These parents today do not want anyone spanking their children. Most of our youth of today have never had a spanking. Ever. That, in my opinion, is the issue. There is no kind of consequence, no discipline. We just let our children do what they want as little ones. They sit around when “Grown folks are talking” as my mother used to say. We allow any kind of music and language in their presence. Then when they grow up, with an attitude, we want to get angry at them. Not good at all.

discpline children

Now there are still old school parents around, who do teach their offspring the importance of responsibility, respect, and life in general. They believe in spankings, punishment, and responsibility for our actions. Their children flourish with education and prosperity. I applaud you. There is nothing in the world like watching your teen walk across that stage on Graduation day!

Most everyone has a microwave in their kitchen. You know, you throw your food in, and in five minutes or less, we have a dinner that normally takes thirty minutes or an hour on the stove. That is our generation of today. A microwave generation. Has been for a while. We want it, and we want it now. And we will do whatever it takes to get it.


Our youth today have no respect, no desire for an actual job, or respect for life. We don’t know the meaning of earning anything, hard work. There are those parents, mostly younger, who allow their children to raise themselves or watch their parents lead a bad example, then only to follow in their footsteps. It’s almost a generational curse.

It saddens me to see our youth plunging downhill. I have stopped watching the news altogether. Every time I turn it on, nothing but violence and crime. Our prisons flourish with young men under the age of 25. Most of the crime is on our Senior citizens. Picking on those who can not even fight back. Shame on you! Let’s get ourselves together people. If we do not wake up and get our youth back, we are going to see our government raising them from afar. There are many ways to discipline. It does not have to be spankings if you disagree with hitting. We do need to start when they are young. We do need to do something to get our youth back to a generation of respect and prosperity.

What are your thoughts on our youth? Do you believe in discipline? I would love to hear the thoughts of how and when to discipline. 

Until next time, stay blessed, stay southern sweet. I’ve got the tea waiting on you.





Discipline by Maxwell Maltz March 14, 2013 at
Letz go to church at
Poll by BBC 21 September 2014  “Understanding black America and the spanking debate” at

Copyright © 2016

Posted in About Me, Blog, Family

Do you date or hook up?

Hello, my Southern friends! It is good to see you again. I’m just pouring this tea, getting ready to sit up under the stars with hubby on the porch.  After 14 years, my husband still dates me. Whether we get dressed up and go out to dinner and a movie, or a walk after midnight in the park, or for a ride down a country road on the motorcycle, I love our alone time. We are still best friends after all this time!


 This is my favorite picture of us taken in 2007. We still have the same bike, the same color. I look at other couples in our life, other women friends of mine, and it amazes me how people don’t spend time together anymore like in the old days. I see the women constantly out with the girls, or the guys out with the guys, but never together. Hubby and I went to a gathering about three weeks ago, and a guy friend hugged me and asks “where is hubby? I know he isn’t far, your always together!”.

Today’s generation of dating and marriage is so different from when my parents were young. Of course, we can expect change and growth in society, but what happened to dating? What happened to a man picking you up for a date? Or opening a door for a lady? I appreciate my Mother-in-law so much. She passed away in 2007, rest her soul, right before this picture was taken. The man she raised that is my husband today, was taught the manners of old school. He opens doors, he is trustworthy, a man of his word, and is well-respected by everyone who meets him. Now I am not bragging on him, but in a sense I am. Our marriage is one of the same characters. We have communication, trust, integrity, and God. But most of all, we LIKE each other. We are best friends.

I remember my ex-husband, when we met, I knew him two weeks, ran off, and married him. I know, I know. What was I thinking? I wasn’t, that was the problem. By my twenties, I had become a hard-headed naive girl who believed everything a man told me. I found out the hard way that I should have dated him first, got to know what I was getting into. (That is another post). If I had taken my time, I would have saved a whole lot of heartache and bruises.


However, the choices I made then, are why I am the person I have become today. I am stronger, wiser, and more reserved on my choices. I take time to analyze and pray for guidance. I do not regret one minute, even the bad stuff. It has taught me a lot about myself, and who I really am. I truly am just now enjoying my life now, more than my younger years. I was always told my twenties would be the best time of my life. I feel like my forties have been the best. And the older I get, the happier I seem to be. All with thanks to God and my husband of course!

My husband is a humble and patient man. Completely different from my ex. That man dated me six months before we finally committed to each other significantly. He actually always told others he was gonna find me a good man. We were just friends, who fell in love. He took the time to show me what kind of man he truly is. He made it so I could not help but trust him with my heart. He made it easy to fall in love, and boy did I fall hard!


My point of all this? Take your time ladies. Slow down and make him date you. If a man truly is interested, he truly wants to get to know you for more than your outer appearance, for more than one date, he will be patient. He won’t mind waiting on the goodies and taking appetizers until you become everything to each other. And if it does not work, then that is not God’s choice for you.

I could go on and on. Once I start talking there really is no end. I just want my girlfriends to have what I have. I wish I could sell the honest pure love that our marriage has, in a cup. I’d be rich!

But right now my cup is empty, so I need to refill, on sweet tea that is. So until the next time, keep calm and move slow. Respect yourself enough to date, and not “Hook-up”. Until the next glass of Tea, stay blessed, stay southern sweet!


One Hope Picture BY · AUGUST 11, 2015 at

Copyright © 2016

Posted in Blog, Family, Self Help

Frugal or Just Plain Cheap?

Hey ya’ll! How has your day been? I have spent the entire day cutting my coupons and organizing them. Oh yes! I didn’t tell you? I am that frugal, crazy coupon lady with the big book of coupons, holding up the line for fifty cents. I am all about saving them coins. My last grocery bill, I knocked off from $187 at Winn Dixie, down to $43 after coupons. I know right! How did I do that? Glad you asked.


Let me give you the tea. The way the economy is at the present time, a person needs to save all the money they can.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to coupon, or even tried it on your own and just could not grasp the concept? Well, I am here to tell you, that I can teach you. That’s right, no matter where you are, near or far, you can learn how to use coupons, and be good at it!

Don’t tell me you have no interest in saving money? Everyone wants to save money. Unless you are just so rich it doesn’t matter! Couponing does take time and organization. What exactly is Couponing? As described by The Coupon Wizards, ” couponing is a strategic method used by a shopper to get their normal monthly groceries and toiletries for less money.” Now we are not speaking of your mother going into the store with one or two coupons cut from the Sunday paper like back in the day.  Coupons do still come in the newspaper, but it is deeper than that. If you want it to be, couponing can be a lifestyle, everything savings all around. Or it can be for just certain areas of your spending, like groceries. If done correctly, a person can save a whole lot of money in the household.


At Coupon Warriors, we can teach you all of that. The key is to set certain days of the week, even just a couple of hours, to cut and sort. The hardest part is finding sales. However, the web has made it so easy with all the apps and websites, most of the work is already done for us.

Interested? Awesome sauce! So, here is how to get the knowledge you need. First, if you have not done so already, download facebook and register, and sign in with your account. Go to the Coupon Warriors group page. You can also just click this link. This is a private group, so answer the questions, and make sure you mention my name. That way, you won’t be deleted as a bot.

The next question I am sure you have, is how much? Great question! The private class is $10 per person, which includes a 2-hour class, plus an email of the beginner’s guide to couponing. If you would like, for an extra $10, I can mail you a starter kit, with a coupon binder, set up and ready to go, with all the info you will need to get started.


I feel you will truly enjoy couponing as a new lifestyle to save money! But be careful, it is addicting! Once you see your grocery tab drop from $150 to $34 right at the register, there is no turning back!

Until next time, stay blessed and southern sweet, and I will have your tea waiting.

Posted in Blog, Family, Travel, Uncategorized

“Free” is never Free!

Nassau Bahamas

Hello! It’s me again! I am so missing ya’ll!  My life is so hectic right now I had to run away on a Cruise with my husband to the Bahamas. We recently were told we won a “FREE” three-day cruise and decided to take it on our Fourteenth wedding Anniversary. It was so relaxing, I didn’t want to come back!


Now let me tell you like I said, this was supposed to be a “FREE” cruise. Of course “Free” is never actually free. We were offered this all-inclusive package, and it sounded so good I had to get it. Hubby and I had never been on a cruise and wanted to try it out. All I had to do was pay the port fees, or so I was told. Then when it came closer to departure time, they called and offered a discounted hotel room for 2 extra days before the cruise, for a “low” price of fifty dollars for 2 nights, all meals included. So again, I added it. 

Let me just give you the “Tea” on how this went. You’re going to need a tall glass. Mind you we had an awesome time! We truly enjoyed the alone time. Hubby and I met some awesome friends, and ate so much till we had to roll off the ship! I think I took a hundred plus photos. The weather was amazing the entire trip and the view? Wow! like I said earlier, I did not want to come back.


However, we arrived at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, only to find the hotel an hour away, and a Taxi ended up Forty-five dollars. Hotel transport you ask? No, they did not have any transport for this “Resort” at all, not even to and from the airport. We felt abandoned. It took 2 hours to get to the hotel, another hour to check-in, and get settled. Now we were offered a third “discount” before leaving home, for a rental car. It was only one hundred ten dollars for the whole week, which would be parked while we sail, and be there when we get back. We would be renting on days we did not need it, plus pay outrageous parking fees at the airport. No thanks! Although after paying the taxi’s fees for these two days, we should have rented that car! Remember, we had to get to the ship, which was forty-five minutes away, and back to the airport at the end of the vacation.

Again, the Ramada “Resort” was nothing but a hotel, deep in the heart of Fort Lauderdale, thirty minutes from anything. No restaurants, no beach, nothing. There was a Publix across the four-lane highway, which we would have had to cross on foot. After hanging at the pool, which was extremely clean and in excellent condition, we met some people from New York. So we split the cost of an Uber the next day and hit the beach! It was so beautiful, and finally felt like a vacation!  This was of course, after the four-hour timeshare presentation that we had to attend in order to get the tickets to the “Free” cruise. And they did give us a free ride to sell us something. Go figure!

The meals at the hotel were ok, nothing to brag about, but we did not go hungry. Now it is time to cruise! I was excited, thinking at least I can relax now. Honey, wow! On the day of sailing we were told if we sit on another presentation, we could get a VIP pass to board the ship ahead of the lines. They were still trying to sell us stuff! No, I don’t want it, give me my tickets please! The VIP we did not even need. There were no lines when we arrived, so we were allowed to board right on, along with everyone else, no special VIP treatment at all.


Now, this is where it gets interesting. Day one. So, before boarding, we had to place an onboard credit, just in case we bought anything while sailing. Thank God we brought spending money. After getting on board, which was late in the afternoon, we head to the main pool. A guy hands me a drink, I tasted it, he says I now owe him fourteen dollars. Wait I thought this was a free cruise! “Water and juice are free”, he says. The ship was old but beautiful. It was actually an older Carnival boat purchased by this underdog of a company, Holiday Cruises. The stateroom was large, immaculate, and our Concierge, Jimmy, was awesome! He took really good care of us! There were two saltwater pools, two hot tubs, and a kiddie pool with a slide separate from the adults.

The food. I have to mention the food. This ship, the Grand celebration, had a twenty-four-hour five-course buffet. Every girls’ dream is to be able to eat without judgment! Yes, girl! They had a bar for salad, fruit, bread, main course, sides, and dessert. They each had their own bar. The desert was not just cookies either. Oh no, it was stuff like key lime pie, and lemon meringue, and ice cream. I ate so much I still feel full a week later! And, there was a second buffet out by the pool, with unlimited pizza, hot dogs, and hamburgers.


The nightlife onboard was just as nice. They had five or six bars, a nightly show, and a casino. The music was great! So many choices. They had a live band, a disco with today’s Hip Hop, another with a 70’s vibe, and then even a Hispanic bar. I actually gambled a little, but don’t tell anyone. I won two hundred dollars, then gambled it back. I think that is common practice.

Day 2, we chose a day at the beach once the ship docked in the Bahamas. This again was not free but yet another thirty-five dollars each for the van ride to the beach, which was thirty minutes from port. I mean, who comes this far to not see the beach? And why is a beach in the Bahamas so far away from the port? They have really got this thing figured out to make you spend money over and over again. If you did not want to spend money on an excursion, then there was no other choice but to stay on board. After all, the port is yet again thirty minutes from anything but customs. When you exit the boat, all you see is water, dirt, and a building, all with a huge fence around it. I felt like we were going to prison, not that I have ever been. There were locals to chase you as soon as you get outside customs before we hit the bus to offer “Native” items. Didn’t I just see that dress at CVS?

Now the Bahamas are so exotic and relaxing, once we got to the tourist side of the Island that is, we forgot all our troubles for a couple of hours anyway. A swim-up bar, the white sands on the beach, the sun beaming down, and the water was so relaxing! I could stay here forever. Of course, we couldn’t. I had to get back to life. 20160429_133406

Day three. After packing the suitcase all night, we wake up early thinking we can beat the lines to get off the ship. We thought wrong. Customs had an overflow of docking Cruise ships, and we were in line five hours. Yep! We tried to get off the ship at ten o’clock in the morning and finally got outside at one o’clock in the afternoon. Mind you our flight is at three, and we have to check-in at two o’clock. Luckily, our new friends offered to rush us to the airport in their rental car. Yes, the one we refused.

We did catch our flight. And again we did have an awesome time. But after all the fees, and side money spent, we could have just paid for a whole cruise for a little more without all the hassle. Oh, I didn’t tell you about the onboard credit! They charged for fuel ($18), really?! Gratuity ($25), each drink that was not water or juice, the bus ride to the beach, and the bottles of water in our cabin. Soda was twenty-five dollars for unlimited drinks, each.


Free you say? If I knew all of this when I heard them say free, I would have never taken this offer. So you see, when someone calls and says, “You have won a FREE” whatever it may be, HANG UP! Do not take it, do not patronize them, just hang up. It sounds so good you will buy it by the end of their long speech. Nothing in this world is free. I don’t care how good it sounds, there is always a catch. It is up to us to be smart about our choices, have discernment about our decisions, and choose wisely when to say yes. Would I go on a cruise again? Yes, I would. Just not this particular ship. Carnival and the other larger Cruise companies have no hidden fees. Now that I know what to expect, we would just pay upfront, reserve our own hotel, and enjoy.

One thing I can say is that after all of this like I mentioned earlier, we came out with new friends! We all exchanged contact info, and are going to make it a point to travel at least once a year. I look forward to meeting up with them again later in the year in Las Vegas. There is hope for a successful vacation after all. It is always nice to have something to look forward to.


Look at me?! I have rattled on and on about our trip, without ending.  I hope I have not detoured you away from going on a cruise. It is something everyone should do at least once. Don’t let life pass you by. Plan that vacation, save up a little at a time if you need to. But just do it! Life is too short not to enjoy it!

Well, my tea is empty again. I am going to fill up, lay back, and get ready for this thing called reality. Vacation is over, time to get back to work. Until the next time, be blessed, stay southern sweet, and I will have the tea waiting.


Images owned by Snow Wilson. Taken on Vacation 2016.

Image created at

Copyright © 2016

Posted in Beauty, Blog

What’s in your closet?


Hey darlin! Come on in. Want some tea? Let’s go! I’m just going through my closet, trying to downsize. My closet is overrun with clothes I never wear! You know, some too small, some are old and worn, some are brand new with the tag still on them. I am sure as a woman, and even some men, can relate to what I am talking bout. Now, if you’re like me, from the south, I have 13 pairs of black boots! And cowboy boots, I love them! I have repeated pairs of the same colors. I try to convince my husband each one is different, unique in its own way. But he is not having it. He hates when I go shopping. He refuses to go with me, knowing I may be gone all day!

I am an avid shopper, like most women. However, I sometimes, well all the time, do not know when to NOT buy something. I know I don’t need another pale green blouse, but it’s so darn cute! Am I the only one that does this? I think not.


In the south, thrift shops are all the rage. A person can go into a thrift store, and find a whole outfit for under ten dollars, and in great condition. I know some of you think you could never wear used clothing. But let me tell you, a good washing on most of the items, and you will never know the difference. Speaking of which, there is a cute little thrift on the Southside of Birmingham that I ran across a couple of months ago. I absolutely LOVE this place!

Tha 2nd Look Urban Thrift LLC” is an upscale Urban Thrift experience selling gently used Name Brand clothes, shoes, and accessories at reasonable prices. I have to tell you, the items selected to be presented in the shop are hand-picked by the Owner Tyronda Palmer-Smith, also known as “Shyne”.  She is a beautiful soul, so laid back and kind, with an eye for Fashion. When you get a chance go check her out!


Here is a picture of one of the dresses I purchased from her. Eight dollars. That’s right, a steal! Isn’t this dreamy?! Don’t look at my white legs, I have since started on my tan, (hence, the nickname Snow). The pictures shown below are just examples of the numerous items you can find at Tha 2nd Look.

Do you remember a couple of blogs ago, or maybe the last one, I mentioned Monique and her Make up studio? I mentioned a shop for clothing in the same building. This is it! Tha 2nd Look. So when you get a chance, roll on through on both of them, Tyronda and Monique. Just remember to clear your schedule, because once you enter, it is very hard to leave! I tend to forget time, looking at all the wonderful fashion.

Now I must get back to this closet. I really do need to put myself on punishment for shopping! It really is not fair to my husband. He has a small section of our walk-in closet, while my things are overflowing in three different closets. My husband even took the hall closet and surprised me with shelves all the way from ceiling to floor for my shoes. He is the best hubby a girl could ask for I swear! I don’t care what people say. A diamond might be a girl’s best friend. But in the south, it’s shoes! By the way, these red heels are Jessica Simpson!

So, hey, I think I am going to pour myself another glass of Tea. I need all the energy I can get to finish this purging!

So until next time, remember, if you don’t need it, put it back. If you have six of the same color, put it back. If it is just too cut to pass up, buy it and worry about the rest later! Be blessed, stay southern sweet! I’ll have the tea waiting.

Pictures of clothing owned by Tha 2nd Look Urban Thrift LLC @

Copyright © 2016

Posted in Blog, Self Help

Are you living your dream?

Hey my friend! Come on in, take a seat! I have a question for you, with a tall glass of sweet tea.
Are you living your dream? I mean, do you have a dream, and for some reason you never followed through, or something happened preventing you from living it. Or are you living your dream now? If you read my very first blog, about myself, then you know my dream. If not, go back and read it. There is some great information there waiting for you.
I have always wanted to just live free, and travel the world. Ever since I was a little girl, I was free spirited. I would always move from one idea to another, getting bored quickly. I always said I wanted to see the world, specifically Jamaica. A sort of bucket list of things to do. However, I let life stop me, I stopped myself, and never did it. No reason really. I just did not follow through. My husband and I have set a goal in a few years to sell everything we own, pack up what we can carry in a suitcase, (maybe two) and hit the road in our RV. No looking back, just travel and enjoy life. Why must we wait till retirement, when we are almost a hundred years old to enjoy life anyways? Who wrote that rule?
I admire women who are living their dreams. It takes courage to step out on faith and just make that move to trust God to bless them with success in their adventure. I especially admire women who are single mother’s who take that chance, and make it on their own, become their own Boss!
Have you ever met someone, and right off, you could have sworn you have known them all your life? You just feel like family, have great conversations, encouragement goes forth, and you build each other up right from the start.
I recently met a young woman on Periscope, a live streaming app for your mobile devices. Kita J. is a woman who has many talents. She is a comedian and a blogger. She has numerous “characters” she portrays on her YouTube channel and website, such as Kiki, an over the top, Motivational speaker. Kita does all of this, through owning her own business, “Exist N Nature“.
A  resident in Maryland, transplanted from Washington DC, Kita  J is living out her dream. She recently told me, she had a dream to be this well known artist that gives back to the community. “I started sewing as a young child around 5, I remember asking my mother to buy me a sewing machine to make baby doll clothing, and she did. I had this vision to attend Parson,  The New School for Design in NYC right after high school”.  However that wasn’t the case. As an adult Kita worked several jobs trying to stay focused. While taking orders from others, she soon realized being an employee wasn’t meant for her. On October 27, 2014, she finally followed her heart and dream. She resigned from her stable job, making regular paychecks, and became a full-time entrepreneur. Today Kita is an artist, custom clothing designer and entertainer! How dare you tell Kita J that she ” can’t do it. Just watch me!” she says. “Confident and secure, as a woman it is time for us to shine!”.  Kita also promotes and assists new Entrepreneurs get started or build their business.
I admire her. I want to be her. We all want to be a “Kita J” following our dreams of being our own boss! Everyone has a dream of something they always wanted to do. Some of us followed through with it, while others were mislead by life. The time is now! Take back that time, and get up on your feet, follow your dreams. If we never try, we will never know if we will succeed.
I to am going to shine! I to, am going to step out on faith, and just do it. I am Snow, I am Southern. I am my own Boss! So let’s speak it into existance. Manifest your dreams. Let’s get to putting our dreams on paper! You can do it, I can do it, let’s do it together.
Until next time, stay blessed and stay southern sweet. I’ll have the tea waiting.
For more info on Kita J, Ms Kiki, or assistance with business promotions, please check her out at:
Copyright © 2016